Sound Transit Operations and Maintenance Facility East

Sound Transit
Bellevue, Washington

Sound Transit’s new Operations and Maintenance Facility East (OMF East) supports the region’s growing light rail fleet. Exeltech provided Structural Subject Matter Expert (SME) services for the new 28-acre light rail system maintenance and storage facility. Exeltech served as Owner’s Representative on the Design-Build Project Management (DBPM) team for review of structural design performed by the Design-Build team, resolving constructability issues for all aspects of the project. Exeltech reviewed and recommended structural design changes and repairs for Overhead Catenary System (OCS) poles, pole foundations, and damaged utility vaults. As Landscape Architect of Record for this project, Exeltech provided technical support and design review of the planting and irrigation plans of all Design-Build Contractor design and construction submittals. Exeltech was also responsible for reviewing drawings for potential impacts to existing trees on the site and impacts to the wetland buffers.


Purple Line Extension Section 2


NE Lake Joy Road at NE 118th Place Culvert Replacement