Downtown Bremerton Parking Garage and Street Improvements

City of Bremerton, Bremerton, Washington

Exeltech provided preliminary and final structural and civil engineering design for this parking structure to support a 10-screen movie theater in downtown Bremerton. The project included a west wing, which consisted of a two-story underground parking structure with an area of approximately 78,000 square feet with 254 parking stalls, and east wing consisting of a three-story parking garage designed to accommodate the planned future addition of a four-story apartment building (with structural design by Exeltech). The structural system is two-way post-tensioned flat slabs to minimize excavation. The top level of the garage in the west wing was designed to accommodate the loading of the cinema level and the roof of the cinema.

Civil engineering services were provided to improve sidewalks, streetscape, streets, and alleys between Burwell and 4th Streets, between Park and Pacific Avenues. This project replaced and widened the sidewalks, added planter strips, irrigation, ornamental festoon streetlights, and utility and stormwater improvements. In addition to the standard HMA roadway section, portions of the roadway were designed with ornamental granite inlay, brick pavers, and concrete slabs.

The project included the relocation of an aboveground pump station and three transformers. The initial scope of the project called for a 500-square-foot pump station with a two-month design period. The final design was a 2,500-square-foot pump station that was delivered to the City in two weeks and significantly under budget.

Exeltech also provided construction support services.


Lauridsen Boulevard Intersection Improvements


Dry Creek Pedestrian Bridge