Civil Engineering
Planning and Design

Exeltech’s civil engineers support a wide range of projects, including site developments; roadways, roundabouts, pedestrian and bicycle enhancements; parking; parks and trails; airports; marine facilities; railroads; fish passage improvements; and culvert replacement. Exeltech bridges the gap between concept through final design and construction, assisting clients with funding strategy and grant application, and development of alternatives.

We apply our strong technical engineering expertise to perform risk-based analysis, life cycle cost analysis, cost/benefit analysis, and value engineering. Our hands-on construction and environmental permitting experience ensures permittable, buildable, and biddable designs.


  • Planning

  • Development of alternatives

  • Funding strategy and grant application

  • Conceptual and final design

  • Planning-level and construction cost estimates

  • Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E)

  • Value engineering

  • Constructability review

  • Street/roadway alignment and channelization

  • Traffic engineering, analysis, and traffic control

  • ADA compliance

  • Utility coordination, extensions, and relocation

  • Grading and paving

  • Low-impact development and natural drainage systems

  • Water resources engineering, hydraulic/hydrologic analysis and design

  • Construction support

Select Civil Projects

Ian Cannon, PE
Director of Engineering Services